5) The Sad World of Poverty

Poverty is many things.  It is the loss of hope, the loss of peace, and the loss of care. People who are in poverty tend to lose a part 0f their spirit, whether it being from a loss of connection with someone they love or someone they believe in, to thoughts of whether their life they are living in is truly worth living. No one deserves to have thoughts of suicide. Poverty is a being that has many devastating conditions and many people see poverty as a lack of money or materials, but it is more than that. That’s why I chose this picture because the effects of poverty are physical and mental. Poverty is hunger, corruption, and death. Poverty causes hunger and according to The World Food Programme,“The poor are hungry and their hunger traps them in poverty.” Hunger is the number one cause of death in the world, killing more than HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. Poverty has no positive effects, it is a source of neglect and chaos and this photo reflects the ever-lasting effects that these poor humans have to face. This photo made me realize the true results of poverty and how disturbing poverty actually is. Children are dying of hunger and thirst, yet everyday we throw out tons of wasted food and leave our water on. We take our food and drinks for granted and don’t realize how lucky we are. We want a toy or a video game and all they want is food and water. The world doesn’t need poverty. poverty  -Special thanks to Karen Carmen for the picture. sites.cdnis.edu.hk

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