Author Archives: mmaly
Question Answer 3
Question Answer 2
Question Answer 1
Speaking Activity 2
Michael Tener Project
Los Gustos y Disgustos Project3
Dino DNA
Why are animal dissections used in schools?
Animal dissections are used in schools to give a better visual and understanding of what the animal’s insides actually look and smellĀ like. Student’s also need to know the organs inside an animal because a lot of times the organs inside an animal are very similar to the organs inside an human. Another reason is because students usually get bored and this activity usually excites them and gets them interested in the activity.
Spring Semester Project
Erik and I tested which candy would react the most with Hydrogen Peroxide. We learned that the gummy bear had the most reaction signs. If we could of fixed anything it would be the time to heat up the hot plate. We just waited until the hot plate became red. I wish we could of changed the chemical to potassium chloride, so there would be more chemical reactions in the candy.