Why are animal dissections used in schools?

Animal dissections are used in schools to give a better visual and understanding of what the animal’s insides actually look and smell  like. Student’s also need to know the organs inside an animal because a lot of times the organs inside an animal are very similar to the organs inside an human. Another reason is because students usually get bored and this activity usually excites them and gets them interested in the activity.

Spring Semester Project

Erik and I tested which candy would react the most with Hydrogen Peroxide. We learned that the gummy bear had the most reaction signs. If we could of fixed anything it would be the time to heat up the hot plate. We just waited until the hot plate became red. I wish we could of changed the chemical to potassium chloride, so there would be more chemical reactions in the candy.

The Himalayas in a few million years!

The Himalayas is the world’s highest mountain range immediately at the north of the Indian subcontinent. The Himalayas were formed by the Eurasian and the Indian subcontinent plate colliding against each other  about seventy million years ago.  After a few million years what will it be? A feature we know is that since plate tectonics move, so will the Himalayas. It is approximate it will move 1,500 km into Asia in ten million years. Another thing we know is the mountain range will shrink in size because of weathering and erosion. I predict in a few million years the mountain range will become a plateau.

How was the Universe made?

The universe is a massive unexplored place where its size is indescribable, but how was it made? There are a lot of different opinions, but my opinion is that the Holy Spirit (God) made the universe. I don’t think it was like a big explosion or just a expansion that came from absolutely nothing. I think God said let there be a universe and then there was the universe. God then started making the universe perfect, so there could be life in the universe. It took seven days to make the universe perfect for life.

What Really Happens in a Chemical Reaction?

When we see a chemical reaction we see events like smoke, bubbles, and sound, but what actually happens in a chemical reaction? Inside a chemical reaction the atoms or molecules of the element interact with the other element’s atoms/molecules. Most of the changes though involve  the electrons of the element. That’s what makes the smoke, bubbles, and other chemical features.

Reasons for Lab Safety and Lab Equipment

Lab safety and lab equipment are very important when you are  dealing with science. You need lab safety so you won’t get hurt or injured and lab equipment to do procedures and experiments. If there is glass on the floor you don’t want to pick it up because you’ll most likely get cut. To measure the temperature of water or any substance you’ll need lab equipment. When you are following lab safety and using the lab equipment as it’s supposed to be used, you can have a lot of fun with experiments and procedures. Otherwise if you don’t follow lab safety and don’t use the lab equipment as it’s supposed to be used dangerous occurances can happen.